


The future of Netflix

Netflix has made a lot of controversial changes lately. The biggest change is that Netflix split their prices between the DVD by mail plan and the Netflix streaming into two separate prices. If a customer wants to keep getting DVD’s in the mail and wants to stream Videos from Netflix they will need to pay at least $8 to get DVD’s by mail and $8 per the streaming service. For anybody who wants both this means that instead of paying $9 like they did before the will need to pay $16, giving them a 60% price increase.

This change in the price has been met with a lot of mixed feelings from Netflix members. Some customers have decided that they are willing to pay for both. Some customers have stopped paying for the DVD by mail in favor of streaming Movies and TV. And some customers have left Netflix altogether. The price increase has a lot of people wondering why change something that works and that is so popular it made Video rental stores a thing of the past. The price increase was odd at first and it left many people wondering why. On September 18th, Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix answered many of those questions with some bold, new, and exciting, news.

Netflix will continue to offer streaming as there service with the objective of streamlining there service and growing it. However sometime soon Netflix will no longer be offering DVD’s by mail. Instead Netflix customers who want to still get DVD’s by mail will have to switch to Qwikster. Qwikster is a new company that will be owned by Netflix.  The name Qwikster comes from the fact that Qwikster will get DVD’s to their customers as fast and efficiently as Netflix did. However Qwikster will also offer Videogames by mail. There is no news yet on if Netflix customers will be automatically switched to Qwikster or if customers will have to sign up on their own. Qwikster will still use the same red envelopes that Netflix customers know but instead of the envelope having the Netflix logo it will have Qwikster’s logo. Also Netflix customers will log into Netflix dot com and Qwikster customers will have to log into Qwikster dot com. Who knows what the future will hold for Netflix but one thing is for sure. Netflix has some big ideas and whatever happens it will be good.

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updated last in March, 2012

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