


The Web protest Sopa

On January 18,2012 Websites Blacked out, not for maintenance but to protest Sopa and Pipa. Just as a example on January 18, 2012 The only thing that could be seen on the English wikipedia website Was a screen urging visiters to contact there Congress Represenitive and tell them that sopa is not the answer.

Wikipedia Protest

The Sopa and pipa are bills that were created by the US Legislate in response to the growing concern over internet piracy. However some growing concerns include if the government should be filtering what people see on the internet. While Websites like wikipedia and youtube fear that they may be on the blacklist for websites that will be blocked.

Congressmen stated that websites like wikipedia and youtube will not be affected however this is false. The reason why is because of what the bill states. If the bill was allowed to become law any website that distributes videos illegally would be blocked. Many individuals who post video on youtube post movies, Video clips from movies, music from movies, and music videos without the copy right, as a result Youtube would be blocked. If Sopa were to become law Websites like wikipedia would be held accountable for linking to websites that distribute copyrighted material. So Wikipedia links to youtube then Wikipedia would be blocked.

 With the bill known as Sopa blocking them it is no surprise that they are protesting the bill so heavily. The reason why they protested was to try to make their users aware of the impact that Sopa will have. Thee blackouts for the most part did their job. The senators that supported the bill have withdrawn their support for it. however this does not mean that the bill will never be brought up again. For now at least the internet is safe, and to all the patriotic Americans that took the time to contact their senators and shared there support against the bill, I say Thank you.

Articles of interest

The dangers of Sopa

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updated last in March, 2012

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