


My Sims

My sims review

Welcome to my review of My Sims. EA brings My Sims to the Wii In this new version of the Sims games. This game developed by EA Redwood Shores and Published by Electronic Arts. My Sims is a Life Simulation Game that is Rated E. I had high hopes for this Video game because of the good things I have heard about the Sims games.

On the positive side the controls are really simple. The Wii mote is used in some very clever ways but it is not over used. This makes the game easy for anyone to pick up and Play. Second this game is really customizable. You can customize the inside and outside of nearly every building in the game. This adds hours of extra gameplay as you create the city you want down to some very nice details. Thirdly this game looks great. Every building is very detailed and the graphics are simple but smooth. The game even has the world change to reflect when it is nighttime. This is important because it is not very fun to play a pixilated game with little to no details, and different characters are doing different things at day and night. Like some characters come out during the day and sleep at night so characters come out at night and sleep during the day making the day night function very important.

On the negative side there is too narrow of a focus. This is a problem because there are really only two things you do in the game build furniture and gather essence. There are other things to do like fishing, growing trees, digging, talking with neighbors but those all involve gathering essence. This also becomes frustrating because if a game character asks for a piece of furniture that contains a certain essence that you have not found yet you are going to spend over 5 hours trying to find it. Second this game is too repetitive. I do not even remember how many refrigerators, side tables and Sofas I had to make. This is a problem because your fourth sofa into the game you begin to get kind of bored especially when you find out that the last three neighbors have asked for sofas. Last the load times are ubiquitous. Every time you enter a new area or someone’s house, day turns to night or the menu to place new furniture you can expect to wait 5 to what feels like 15 seconds waiting for the game to load. This is a problem because who likes to wait for a game to load, the worst part is that the game plays the same song each time the game loads.

because of all of the above this game gets a C.
written in 6/10/2009

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